Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bed bugs exterminator

Kirkland WA Exterminators Battling Bed Bugs - cockroaches galore Control Removal Services

Bedbug Infestations are running rampant in the Greater Seattle area. But
Kirkland is really getting hit with the nasty bugs. It is unreal how even
just one traveler could pack the blood suckers to and from a destination.
Holiday Seasons does create massive traveling. But bedbugs are a year
round problem. The chance to bring home some unwanted souvenirs is huge.
But not the kind souvenirs a traveler desires. A Redmond, WA family had
flown to New York City for Spring break. Think about how many people fly at
this time of year. Which makes it highly likely that bedbugs are being the
most given gift during this time of year. When the Kirkland family
returned home what was beginning would be a big shock. A Bedbug infestation
was in the making. The next morning the children complained about being bit
by something and were scratching like crazy. Dad checked the children's
beds and found dark blood stains and a live bedbug in the creases of the
mattresses. Bed bugs are ingenious and will catch a ride on clothing,
suitcases, backpacks etc. The homeowner wasted no time in calling AMPM
Exterminators. A company the husband had used for other pest control in the
past. The professional Bed Bug busters were at AMPM Exterminators were
ready to set up the prep stages for the client to follow.

How does this happen:

The Kirkland WA family had gone on a 14 day vacation to New York City. So
there was ample opportunity to pick up the bed bugs. The little hitchhikers
caught a ride on luggage, tote bags and garment bags. The bed bugs got on
board at the hotel. The other source was in the car rental that had velvet
covered seats where the little vampires nestled in. The homeowner thought
about all the places visited during the vacation and now knew that this was
a huge problem and an experienced pest control specialist was needed to
take care of the problem. The homeowner already made the decision to call
AMPM Exterminators. The experienced technician spoke with the Kirkland
homeowner about the steps for preparation that needed to be take. Miss a
step and the whole process of bedbug infestation could be compromised.

Identifying a bed bug is first step to verifying the infestation:

The homeowner emailed pictures of the bug to AMPM Exterminators and gave a
physical description of locations where the pests were found. A big clue
was the dark blood stains found on bedding. The Dad learned that adult bed
bugs are brown/red, flat and wingless. Bedbugs are oval shaped, 4-5 mm in
length and can run fast. After dining on human blood the pests turn to a
deep red and will become engorged. An AMPM Exterminators technician
identified the pests to be bedbugs. Secondly, went over the required steps
needed to be taken to prepare for the bed bug exterminator service. The
preparation steps can take a few days before the extermination takes place.
If instructions are not followed may mean starting all over again.

Steps to take for a successful Bed Bug elimination:

The AMPM Exterminators technician strongly advised all of the following
steps that had to be adhered to before services could be rendered.
Vacuuming needed to be done of the entire home, including all mattresses
and fabric furniture. Dispose of vacuum bags in the outside garbage bin or
can immediately. Everything needed to be washed in hot water and dried 20
minutes or longer. Bag all laundry in plastic bags, sealed and marked
washed. All bedding and pillows be sealed in plastic bags marked washed.
Specially made bed bug cover encasements to put headboards and mattresses
into and sealed can be bought at hardware stores. Clean out all clutter.
The family was told, when returning home, that all clothing had be removed
in the bathroom. Then put in a plastic bag and labeled dirty. Doing
laundry as soon as possible was highly recommended. Closets were emptied
and contents bagged. Once all of the required steps were taken the Dad
notified the AMPM Exterminators professional pest eliminator. Pictures of
all rooms were required to submit to AMPM Exterminators via text or email.
Once the okay was given to start the pest control elimination process for
the bed bugs AMPM Exterminators technician was on the way. The Kirkland
homeowner was thrilled knowing the nasty bugs would be gone.

AMPM Exterminators verified steps followed and ready to exterminate the

The AMPM Exterminators professional Exterminator verified that the the
workflow instructions were completed . The service included steps for after
treatment. AMPM Exterminators professional stressed the importance of
following all instructions and steps for a successful treatment to get rid
of the bed bugs. If the workflow was not adhered to than the extermination
service would have to be repeated. The Kirkland WA travellers were so
relieved that the stress that had taken over lives was over. Thanks to AMPM
Exterminators who goes the whole nine yards to get the job done. The
husband was more than happy to share this successful experience and
recommended AMPM Exterminators to a neighbor for the same problem.

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